Thursday, November 3, 2011

- SPM [ Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia] -

wow.... look at bottom right of your monitor, look at the DATE! its already 11/3/2011 !!
14 - 3 = 11... 11 days more!!! SPM will start after 11 days.... even though there are still 11 days left, but i still cant concentrate on my studies
LOL I'm obsessed wih computer~facebook-ing..chatting with friends and most important..
i don't know why, i just cant control myself... what can i do?
omg~10 subjects all together.. thts a lot! there are 22 papers in total if i'm not mistaken haha XD
so in this 11 days~ i'm gona go all out to study XD hope i can score A's for my physics chemistry and biology...
these 3 subjects are really really really important to me T.T
i will now list down the grades i tat i expected to get in SPM
Bahasa Malaysia - A-
Bahasa Inggeris - A
Pendidikan Moral - A (although it's easy but i don't think i can score 95 marks LOL because 95 marks only can get A+)
Sains Pertanian - A+
Sejarah - B+ ( i dont really good in sej so i guess B+ is more than enough for me LOL )
Mathematics - A+
Additional Mathematics - A ( hope i can maintain my level at A , don't drop to A- please ^^ )
Biology - A-
Physics - A-
Chemistry - A-
wow, HIGH EXPECTATIONS LOL!! well, thts wat i hope to score only, not sure whether i can achieve it or not ~ XD
so... lastly...
what i wish is.... please... give me a NICE pengawas please~ What do i mean by "nice"? hehe
still rmb last time PMR the pengawas gave me answers...and the answers was correct LOL thts what I meant by NICE HAHAHA~
so that's all what i wnat to write today haha~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

- Meitu 美图 -


yesterday my friend, rachel loh hlped me to edit my photo LOL

tis is the pic~~

ta~da~ XD

i think its okay, a bit lala XD...

i an shuang-ed for a moment when i saw tis pic ytd LOL

bcoz i hav the potential to bcum a LALA ZAI XD

if u guys interested, u guys could go n download it from tis website~

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

- PLKN -

I should have wrote this 1 month ago, but i was too busy haha XD
but its never too late for u to do something, right?
so I guess I will write about PLKN today.

First of all, i was chosen for PLKN, actually its okay for me,
but sometimes i feel very nervous and scared when my friends talk about how awful is the food in PLKN, and sometimes you might be bullied by gangsters....
but i dun really care bout those, coz i am not a picky eater. XD

what i worried the most is the bathroom, i heard thy say its an open bathroom...
and all the men will shower together ==....ARGGHHH!!!! i can't imagine == ....
maybe some of u might think tht...all of us are guys, its ok to shower together...
but i juz cant stand it.... haha... =P

Btw, its ald 12.12 a.m. now...usually i ald gone to bed at this time..
but i saw some1 comment and she ask me to write about PLKN,
so i sacrifice my time to write this post LOL...

To Rachel Loh,
i will kill u if i cant wake up 2molo =)

hmm...i think its time for me to sleep now...BYE =)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

-- Happy Birthday, WxCy --

A:"hey, wats the date?"
B:"12 of june lo, =="
A:"omg, r u sure?? r u sure tht today is 12 of june, i thot today is 11 of june??"
B"ya, of coz...11 of june? tht was 2 mins ago, its 12 a.m. now"

B:"why? i think u are a bit overreacted =="
A:"nah, its my friend's birthday..."

hey, happy birthday eh!

although our friendship hav been some...unintended issue? lol

anyway, i still want to wish u happy birthday!!

thank you for ur friendship through out all of the years, and i look forward to enjoy our friendships for many more of your birthdays!

wish u all the best! I hope u hav a blast on ur birthday!!!

-friends for ever-

-- Skype and I, LOL --

wow....actually i ald knew bout skype since 2 years ago....
but last time i din't even bother to download it..
bcoz i prefer msn more than skype....i dunno why..maybe is because i used to chat with my friends with msn?I dunno. lol
initially, my auntie ask me to download skype...coz most adults like to use skype and youngsters normally prefer msn more than skype.

well, i did download after thy ask me to do so. BUT, tht time i dint knw my friends r using skype too. so after i download d i just leave it there, dint even bother to create an acc or explore the functions of skype haha.

then, my aunties realized that thy failed to persuade me to use thy decided to use MSN LOL i dunno y thy wnat to chat with me so badly...== mayb thy just wnat to spy on me

LOL XD....anyway, after a few months thy also seldom on msn d...told ya, adults prefer skype more than MSN =P.

anyway, i started to use skype since the last year-end holiday and i found that skype is acturly quite interesting. i think teh 1st person tht ask me do i hav a skype account is tung wai yee? or crystal? cant remember d, LOL. wat i can rmb is sum1 asked me to on skype , anwyay, thank you for asking me to on skype, otherwise..i would never have the chance to chat with my friends on skype! XD

chatting with friends on msn or skype is a fun thing to do, it gav me a lot of unforgettable memories, that's y i always save the conversations btw me and my frens, and i will read them when im free XD and if ur friends trying to break the promises thy made to u in msn or skype...u can always show them the chat log XD so thy cant deny it hahaha. its not funny =.= no1 wants their friends to lie at them rite? XD

i guess tis post is long enough ? haha shall i stop here?....lazy to write d XD

p/s: another post is coming soon....most probably is tonight =P.


-------THE END-------

Friday, June 3, 2011

-I'm back-

wow... today only i log into my blog again, the last time i log into my blog was 3 years ago ( 2008 )...

now i read back the post i wrote 3 years ago..I realized that there were a lot of grammar took me so long to correct the grammar mistakes.... i correct it bcoz i dun1 my frens to laugh at me..haha.

btw, i think blogging is a good thing to do...u can unleash ur anger here if u cant find any listener and u can also write wat had happened around you.

like, juz now when i read the posts i wrote 3 years helped me to recall a lot of memories that i'd totally forgotten~haha.

so..from now on..i will continue blogging and feel free to leave your comment~~~~